There are interviews with credible key players from all sides, including high-ranking ex-Rajneeshees, local ranchers and government officials. The images not only document their day-to-day activities, but are a time capsule of late-70s hippie style. The high-quality footage shot by the Rajneeshees shows members participating in communal activities, meditation, marches and meals while dressed in red as per their custom. But the original footage shot within the commune and interviews really bring the docuseries to life. The commune was designed to house 7,000 inhabitants and grew to include a mall, restaurants and housing.ĭirectors Chapman Way and Maclain Way tell the story in a straight-forward, unsensational chronology. The leader’s Rolls Royce fleet reached a count of 90, a detail that so perturbed people that it is repeated throughout the six-part series.
They renamed the tiny Wasco County town of Antelope – which experienced a population jump from 40 to 95 – to Rajneeshpuram.
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Bhagwan espoused free sex, religious freedom and other ideas far too liberal for the small, conservative community.
At its core is the conflict with local ranchers, who felt the town was being overpopulated and they rightfully resisted the political and cultural changes brought about by the demographic shift.